Bryn Hoffman
On People And Religion
“I’d love to get my muse from people, but frankly I’ve lost interest in the fuckers - most of them are failures in one way or another.”
- Unknown
Just failures in themselves.
How many are fuckin’ astronauts? - and yes we make up cheap psychological excuses given to us by our cheap non - psychological shrinks, excuses for why they didn’t actually achieve anything.
I guess being a kid’s the only time you can actually see straight. You apparently don’t know the difference ‘tween right an’ wrong so you just go with your root feelings. As we ‘Grow up’ all we do is get force fed our conclusions, reasons, excuses, justifications and, god forbid, how to compromise; sure it helps the world run a little smoother, possibly it is the vital crux on which the world’s fate is balanced. But that conclusion leaves no space for our self-appointed individuals who grace our system, those in the high-state of ‘free-thinking‘. If there’s no need for them; why do they exist? Are they just one of nature’s sick abnormalities, mutations, disorders, alterations (there’re a lot of words fro that), thrown in t’ give this world a little challenge?
Why do we need the extra intelligence? Surely some opposable thumbs and tools would be enough? Shit, I’m not tryin’ t’ explain the meaning of life but I think too much and, well, if ya think about it, you know, our very fate (for inevitable? extinction), is rooted in our own evolution. The intelligence we developed over tha years was always meant to lead to our destruction in the end…ay? Maybe it will even be our direct desire to save ourselves with our medicin’s an’ science which directly leads t’our extinction.
Ha Ha, how ironic…that means the meaning of life is death.
We evolve into something’ perfect but also with the key for wiping ourselves out. Surely that’s what all the extinctions we’ve experienced have been as a result of, the Dodo, for example, evolved into something’ perfect for it’s environment but also something’ perfect to be forced into extinction by any changes. The dinosaur evolved to be huge to have no predators but it’s enormity was exactly the thing that prevented it from surviving the nuclear winter caused by the big ol’ piece o’ rock which dropped outa the sky. Everything evolves the qualities to wipe itself out…leavin’ the space for a now animal to evolve.
Well then, that’s a bit bullshit…scientifically, the meaning of life is death. Bummer, bummer. Ever the survivor, the human race turns to religion to combat this heartless rotundum. Funnily enough most religions contain the belief that we have to live a good life on earth so that we can die happily and go to somewhere better anyway. Y’know, you live your life well so that you can go to heaven, at least that’s what I was force-fed at my “Christian School”. And in the early religions, when, presumably, humankind was just getting t’ grips with this whole new religion thing. For example, the Ancient Egyptians spent most of their lives on earth to prepare for their death. There’s even some frightening coincidences in the Muslim extremists who seek to die ‘honourably’ so that they’ll be received as martyrs. In fact, isn’t the term martyr, firstly religious and, secondly, completely focused on death? Is religion just a softer conclusion of science? That….I don’t know if my human self-preservation instincts will let me say it….that, the meaning of life is death? Shit.
You may have noticed my extensive use of rhetorical questions….well, t’ tell you the truth, I wasn’t using them as a clever form of argumentative writing to convince the reader, they actually are questions, I don’t feel I have the right to make conclusions like that and I would be very appreciative of any responses, arguments etc. which ya can send to the platforms email,