Q: What's Platforms Magazine?
A: Platforms Magazine is the world's biggest cross-genre online arts magazine. It publishes music, art, photography, poetry, prose and interviews. And it's free, free, free!

Q: How often is it out?
A: On the 1st of each month.

Q: What if I want to read older issues?
A: We have an archive (click here). All you need to do is click on an issue number and you can read/listen/admire. There's LOTS of good stuff in previous issues, so spend a good time browsing.

Q: Could you possibly remind me when new issues are out?
A: Sure. Just subscribe to our mailing list (click here).

Q: Tell me more about the magazine...
A: Well... we launched Platforms back in April 2006, wanting an outlet to display our creative stuff and stuff our friends made. We then realised we could take it all one step further and become a platform for new talent. By our second issue, we got our first interview (with Johnathan Rice) and our first submission (from the soon-to-be-famous Laura Marling).

Q: Who's "we"?
A: The Platforms Team.

Q: Who's in The Platforms Team?
A: The Platforms Team is made of Rob Miles (an artist and a musician) and Roy Marmelstein (a writer).

Q: What do you do as The Platforms Team?
A: Roy is in charge of the editing and coding and Rob's in charge of making the magazine look good. We also contribute to the magazine and run our MySpace page.

Q: You've got a MySpace page!!! Myspace is my life! What is it?
A: It's myspace.com/platformsmagazine.

Q: Your MySpace is well boring, there are no crazy slide shows and annoying transparent boxes. Why's that?
A: If we had spare time to make OurSpace look better, we'd spend it improving the magazine instead.

Q: How do you find your contributors?
A: Some we just find randomly and contact, some we find on Myspace, some we meet, some our friends tell us about and some come to us.

Q: Oh, I'm an Artist/ Photographer/ Musician/ Poet/ Writer, can I contribute?
A: Yes, please do. Send us your contribution to platformsmagazine@gmail.com. Don't be shy, get in while we're still young and friendly (we'll get vicious eventually)...

Q: Is there anything I can do?
A: Tell everyone you know about the magazine, encourage friends to send in their creations, and come to the live events. Also, if you have some spare cash, buy our limited edition t-shirts.