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With pen and paint and cut-outs,
dusty rose of .wordsthatrock.com
makes a beautiful mess of poetic
splendor. It's a collage making
art form that begins with a blank
piece of cardstock, splatter of color, stickers,
vintage ephemera, model faces, lyrics from her fav rockstars,
& her own personal prose. There is no pattern
or process really, she just lets the collage
subconsciously take its own form while
listening to bands such as the pink floyd
or the pixies..... then walla, its magic!
You can view Dusty Rose's latest projects
On her myspace.com/dustyrose3. Currently
She is playin in a band called DUST CAKE,
writing for Dirrtyglam.com, making zines,
making messes, and occasionally posting
a poem or two. Some day she hopes to publish a
book of art/poetry for the artsy/music/ lit lovers