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When Snow Bickley was in the midst of writing her third novel, she was struck with the idea that being raised on the set of "Happy Days" may have instilled some neurotic disconnect from reality deep in her bones. This was when she was 11. But the idea didn't grip her long before she scoffed it off, fastened on her rubber cat nose with whiskers, and crawled freely to her supper plate on the floor beside the pet dishes where her array of loving animals around her pretended to be human. Nestled within the sea-salt tinged mountains of Southern California, Snow grew up in the eye of the creative storm that included her mother (who could tell your fortune by the stars while cooking Thai lettuce wraps), her father (who spent the bulk of his life writing the stories that spilled out of your TV tuned to a prime-time sitcom), and two brothers (who danced with popularity, rehab, and regular visits to the hospital for another stitch-up or cast). Snow channeled all of this into her love of exploring the world of imagination with the flashlight of words. And the discoveries she has made have been breathtaking. She left the palm trees of the west coast and arrived on the college scene in Austin equipped with a plethora of short stories, poems, and novels. Today she continues to write prolifically in the town of Houston, where she can often be found either at the local Indie Theater tucked in the back row, or the local pound rescuing a stray puppy. In addition to being a writer she is an artist, photographer, singer, and Pug Enthusiast. "Pretty Girls Smell Like Cherry Lip-Gloss is an excerpt from her unpublished novel.
Visit Snow at www.myspace.com/snowbickley