Jez Sugars

Born 1980 in Bournemouth England. I live in north London and have been a painter since I was a teen. I paint about the subconscious experience and internal sensations. Painting is about the details you can not see.

I like to strip things down to the pure basic's of the emotion. Back to the line and surface. I like the work of the surrealists, and the abstract expressionists. I spend weeks contemplating composition to correspond with the idea's I have and like to work quickly when painting.  I work mainly on the floor. Outside in the garden even when it is cold and wet. Or the floor of my flat.

I liked to painting beside the sea mainly on the pier, when I lived in Bournemouth. I have always been inspired by the out doors and the sea. In my earlier work I would start with the impressions, let it grow and then re-cover / rework area's. A lot of it is very thick and the canvas is heavy. Some of my work has 10 or 20 works under it. I will not leave a piece till it is right. I think that reflects where I was in my life at the time.  But as I have got older the process is clearer and more direct. I think my paintings now are more about composition with improvisation, than sensations. Touching on many subjects and different emotions . I believe there is much grey, and I enjoy both sides of most subjects. I enjoy people not truly understanding. I can't stand it when art is more conceptual than process. I need art to be about life, death, and desire. But also internal, personal, and surreal. Artist that are essenial influence to me are Bacon, Hurst, Pollock, Dubuffet, and Van Gogh. Miro, Picasso, Haring, Banksy, Kandinsky, Basquiat, and Klee.