Guy J Jackson

Eight of the plays I've written were produced in Chicago, Illinois, including Products in the Last Refuge, as part of CollaborAction's WinterSketchbook 2000, Diggers at a Burial, as part of the 1999 Bailiwick Director's Fest, and Marrieds, as part of the Side Studio's The Balsa Heart (2003). Lifeline Theatre, named 'the best children's theatre in Chicago' by New City and Chicago magazines, presented Another Puss in Boots and Rumpelstiltskin Revisited in 2001 and 2003. (Rumpelstiltskin Revisited also received publication through Pioneer Drama Service in 2004.) Finally, The Flight of the Butter Boy, The Cry Trilogii, and Pond 7 were all mounted by the itinerant Fantod Theatre Company.

Elsewhere, in New York, New York, Love Creek Productions performed Waste in their Winter One Acts Festival 2002. I wrote and performed a one-man storytelling show, The Tunnel, at Moorhead College in Fargo, North Dakota, in 2004, Waste was performed there in 2005, and in the coming year the same college will produce Rumpelstiltskin Revisited.

The Brush Creek Playhouse, in Silverton, Oregon, performed The Flight of the Butter Boy in May 2005, and while attending Southern Oregon University my plays Yarning, Deer, Consider This..., and The Flight of the Butter Boy were showcased as student productions. There I also directed Yarning and Deer, as well as The Bay at Nice and Charlie the Chicken.

I penned a humor column for The Siskiyou newspaper in Ashland, Oregon, and my short stories have appeared in the literary magazines Hanson's, Cascade Reader, The Throwback (a story which won a 'best of' issue prize), Confrontation, on the compilation album disco_r.dance volume one, and online at lazygramophone.com, with other publications pending in Art Times and Crash. Lazy Gramophone is an independent artists' collective that's been good enough to induct me into their ranks.

Living in San Francisco from 2004 to 2006 I incessantly performed my short stories in venues such as The Sweetwater, The Brainwash, No Name Bar, Bazaar Café, Dalva, Café International, The Green Tortoise, Peri's, Rockin' Java, 16th & Mission, Canvas Café, Ireland's 32, and on The Diamond Dave Radio Show, until winding up with a ten-month stint as the storytelling co-host (kinda like Garrison Keillor crossed with Mick Jagger) of both The Pete and Guy Show and The Purple Friday Show at the legendary Purple Onion.

Also in San Francisco I produced my original storytelling CD entitled The Filthy Pilgrim, and I co-wrote two independent films, Ian and Gentle Lovers. Gentle Lovers was produced by Sir Workhoven Films, and girding ourselves in hopes of breaking into the motion picture industry, co-writer, director, and producer Gino Caputi and I have developed seven comedic screenplays.

Since recently coming to England I've guested in variety shows and poetry nights, including Andrew Clover's Yarns & Storytellers, Shortfuse!, Lazy Gramophone Presents..., The Human Zoo, The Cellar, Wormworld, Littlest Birds, More Poetry, The R U Sitting Comfortably StoryFest, Luke Smith Presents..., disco_r.dance, Spoken Cabaret, Poetry Unplugged, West of Arkham, The Luncheon League, Half-Past Barking, The Lovecraft Society Night, Sourfeast Theatre @ Dogstar Pub, Touch Me I'm Sick, Farrago Festival of the Spoken Word, Farrago UK Slam, Farrago Love Slam, Daytime TV @ JAMM, A Spoonful of Poison @ Gramophone, A Spoonful of Poison @ The Rhythm Factory, Belushi's, King Gong, and Muses Café.

Also in England I was on Resonance Radio's The Late, Late Breakfast Show, The Sausage Show, and Space Soon, on Edinburgh Festival FM's The Afternoon Show, and on a test pilot for the comic psychiatry show What's Your Problem? I captured the Poetry Champion 2006 award in the Farrago Summer Slam, was a finalist in Poetry Idol's Edinburgh Special, was a finalist in Poetry Idol's Brick Lane Festival Special, and placed third in the Masque Barbican Poetry Slam.

I joined the street performers in the Edinburgh Fringe Fest, the Hay Literary Festival, and the Brighton Arts Fest. My short storybooks, done with various artists, have been made available at Shoreditch's bookartbookshop, and one storybook made it into an art exhibit in the Sunrunner Pub in Hitchin.

I also completed production as actor and writer in Laas Vegas Films' It's The Thing Itself and with continuityerrorsprdctns on the short films Bert & Beth Die, The Dane John, British Bits, The Idea Pizza, A Colorer, This Is My Family, Battle Flat, The Man at the Fountain, Catch On, DD, A Note, and Pillow Nation, as well as the storytelling videos The Dishwasher, The Unknown Persons at the Door, The Secret Ice Cream, and Crazy Old Sara, and three taped episodes of The Pete & Guy Show.

Jacksonville, my half-hour radio show of stories and idle chatter, ran for thirteen weeks on Resonance Radio, 104.4 FM (or one can listen online at resonancefm.com), and is being renewed for another six weeks beginning February 13th, at 10PM.