
Your name? Overview

Where do you reside? Charlton, London

So, how long have you been a photographer for? I’ve been taking pictures that people actually want to see for around 2 years now…

And why did you start? I wanted to show people things I saw. That’s all it is, isn’t it?

Do you have your own website where you display your work? Yes.

And you designed and built that yourself? Yes. About 50 times before I settled on the one that is there…

...and you also do music? Yes… Well… I was in a band with Scroobius Pip collaborator The 6’ 2” Pianist. It was called crackpuppet ( I also played drums on Scroobius Pip’s album ‘No Commercial Breaks’ and I will soon be working with him again. I also make some instrumental hip-hop-electronic-stuff which is… difficult.

What's your highest achievment? 900,000 points in one move on Tony Hawks II.

Do you have a favourite poet? Saul Williams, Dose One, Sage Francis... Syd Barret.

All-time Top 5 albums? This is difficult... So here are the 6 that Spring to mind. Some obvious, some not so…
- Pink Floyd – Animals
- Radiohead – OK Computer
- Odd Nosdam - Burner
- Medeski Martin & Wood – Combustication
- A Silver Mt Zion - "This Is Our Punk-Rock," Thee Rusted Satellites Gather + Sing,
- Aphex Twin – Drukqs

All-time Top 5 Films?
- Pi.
- The Big Lebowski.
- Oldboy.
- Amelie.
- Waynes World.. Only because I know every line.

Books? Can’t Stop Won’t Stop (History Of The Hip-Hop Generation), Los Logos, The Great Rock Discography, Said The Shotgun To The Head (Saul Williams).

Is pizza your favourite food? No.

Can you believe it's not butter? I can. It spreads. Butter doesn’t spread. Even spreadable butter does not spread. Its bullshit.

What do you think of David Cameron? When he was in his phase of cycling to commons, a car followed him that carried his suit. Bloody idiot, is my actual answer.

If you were told you had 24 hours to live what would you do? I would catch a train to North Wales, climb Crib Goch, and watch the view while sipping Jack Daniels. I’d probably take a lady with me (to Wales, not the afterlife).